For Stocks That Can Be Opened Online, Any Regular Securities Company Can

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How to cancel securities account

1. Cancel account online: If you do not use the securities account opened online or via mobile phone, you can directly cancel it online. Users can log in to the official website of the securities company, find the account cancellation business, and follow the interface prompts;

2. Offline account cancellation: Users only need to bring their ID documents to the nearest securities business outlet to cancel the account. To open an account with a securities company, you must go to a securities business outlet to cancel it. You must have no shares or assets in your account at the time of cancellation. You can't do anything on the day of cancellation. operate.

How to check my securities account

1. You can call the customer service hotline of the securities company where you open an account, provide ID card information verification materials, and let the customer service help check;

2. Bring your personal identity document, shareholder account card and other relevant information to the counter of the securities company where you open an account to apply for inspection;

3. Log in to the official website of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, select "Investor Service Area", and then select "Securities Network Query" to view the account information under the one-code link, that is, you can also view the securities account under the account.

Is a return visit required to open a securities account?

According to relevant regulations, securities companies must organize user return visits in a unified manner. Users who open new accounts must complete a return visit before opening an account, and then leave traces in an appropriate manner. The content of the return visit includes but is not limited to: confirming the user's identity; if the user entrusts others to open an account on his or her behalf, the user needs to confirm the identity of the agent and agency; confirming that the user has read various risk disclosure documents and understands the relevant terms; confirms the user's true intention to open an account ; Remind users to set their own passwords and keep them properly; Determine the user's account opening method. Therefore, opening a securities account requires a return visit. This article mainly writes about the knowledge points about stocks that can be opened online. Content is for reference only.

标签: #Securities #Account opening #Account #Cancellation #Certificates

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