Unlocking New Digital Renminbi Experience At The Service Trade Fair

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"When we usually want to borrow a power bank, our mobile phones often run out of power and shut down. At this time, we cannot scan the QR code to borrow it. Now there is a solution to this problem..." Meituan Financial Digital RMB Booth at the Service Trade Fair , the staff is demonstrating the scenario of renting a mobile power supply for payment and renting a digital RMB SIM card hard wallet without the need for network or electricity. Put the powered off mobile phone gently against the sensor, and there will be a "beep" sound, indicating that the power bank was successfully borrowed.

In recent years, “Digital RMB” has been one of the highlights of the Financial Services Special Exhibition of the CIFTIS. Through the window of this year’s Service Trade Fair, we can feel more closely the continuous technological innovation and upgrading of digital renminbi and the continuous deepening and expansion of application scenarios.

A reporter from the "Economic Information Daily" saw in the financial services special exhibition hall of Shougang Park that many financial institutions have set up special exhibition areas for digital renminbi to display a series of the latest pilot results of digital renminbi. Immersive interactive experience. Outside the exhibition hall, a "Digital RMB Avenue" integrating creative scenes such as trendy art fairs, time streets, and time-honored stores has become the "Internet celebrity check-in point" of this CIFTIS, attracting a large number of audiences. Come and experience the interaction.

The reporter observed that the audience participating in the Postal Savings Bank’s “RMB Stamp Blind Box Lucky Draw” lined up in a long line. "As long as you open the postal savings wallet of the digital RMB APP and pay one yuan, you can draw a stamp blind box, which contains old stamps from before the 1990s. It is especially popular with philatelic enthusiasts." Deputy Branch of Postal Savings Bank Shijingshan Branch Changbai Disheng told reporters that the Beijing Branch of the Postal Savings Bank of China has joined hands with digital RMB merchants such as China Post, State Grid Electric Power, Centennial Yili, and Arctic Ocean to create a "time block" that feels like historical memory. Electricity bills can be paid on-site via digital renminbi. You can enjoy a 20 yuan discount when you purchase over 100 yuan.

“We hope to provide all exhibition visitors with fresher and more convenient consumption scenarios in this way, so that people can experience the convenience and benefits of digital RMB payment.” said Bai Disheng.

The reporter learned from the staff of Tencent’s digital renminbi project team that Tencent launched a digital renminbi wallet quick payment function this year. Users can conduct transactions with merchants that support the use of digital renminbi in WeChat mini programs and video accounts. It currently covers travel, catering, retail, convenience services and other scenarios. At the same time, in response to a series of measures taken by local governments to promote consumption and stabilize the economy, we created the first digital RMB red envelope assistant applet. During the Spring Festival this year, we cooperated with the Shenzhen Municipal Government and helped them distribute 100 million yuan in red envelopes for catering consumption. "The staff member said.

Digital RMB hard wallet innovation is also the focus of many exhibitors. "In order to solve the payment pain points for overseas people coming to China, during the Chengdu Universiade, we issued digital renminbi hard wallets to overseas athletes, coaches, officials, etc., allowing them to experience the convenience of digital renminbi payment." Cui Gexiang, a staff member at the ICBC booth According to the reporter, the Chengdu Universiade digital RMB hard wallet is the first physical media hard wallet issued on a large scale under the conditions of an open international event scenario. Can be used for checkout at POS machines and ordinary cash registers. Has a wide range of consumer application scenarios. It is very convenient to use.

From innovative interactive experiences at exhibitions to practical applications in life, digital RMB is accelerating to cover people's lives and penetrate into all aspects of the consumer field, bringing people a convenient, safe and efficient payment experience. At the 2023 China International Financial Annual Forum held during the China Service Trade Fair, Mu Changchun, director of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China, pointed out that digital renminbi will become a universal payment tool for all retail scenarios.

"Digital RMB not only has the property rights characteristics and anonymous functions of cash, but also has the portability, ease of use, and traceability of electronic payment tools. It can become a universal payment tool that adapts to the development of the digital economy. After the currency upgrade is completed, the payment of the whole society will Tools will be upgraded to the new currency accordingly," Mu Changchun said.

Li Xin, chief business manager of the Digital Currency Office of the Bank of China, said, "Digital RMB is a supply-side innovation that brings new opportunities to all participating entities. We need to jointly carry out cross-border integration innovation and explore new combined business models."

Reporter Zhang Mo, trainee reporter Li Yuyou

标签: #Digital #People #Wallets #Convenience #Currency

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