Also Singing Rap, Hot Dog Won Consecutively In "I Am A Singer-Songwriter", But Why Did Wang Yitai Fail Miserably?

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With the broadcast of the sixth episode of "Singer-Songwriter" last night, the program once again caused controversy among netizens. As we all know, in the first half of the first five episodes, MC Hot Dog, a veteran from the Chinese rap circle, successfully advanced to the finals. It can be said that the whole process was unstoppable. An achievement like this can definitely stand out from the crowd.

There is also a saying in the program that "rap is the magic weapon to win" because Wang Sulong and Wang Yuan, who have been singing pop music before, have been suppressed to varying degrees. However, in the subsequent competition, Wang Sulong successfully defeated them with the song "Refuse to Accept". Mao Buyi and Wang Yuan also won support from the judges with "Don't Fall Down". I have to say that the rap scene is indeed very passionate and can arouse the atmosphere of the audience.

This gives everyone the illusion that rap can easily win. However, in the sixth competition of "Singer-Songwriter" yesterday, Wang Yitai's rap performance was unexpectedly criticized by most of the judges and guests. They all said that he could not understand the lyrics, so that from the beginning of the voting session of the mutual listening demonstration, Wang Yitai became the last person sitting in the low-level dark room. Later, he lost to Zhou Bichang in the middle area and returned to the black room in the lower area. As for House, if Wang Yitai still fails to challenge in the competition broadcast next week, he will become the first singer to be eliminated as a guest in the second half.


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This situation has puzzled many netizens. After all, Wang Yitai still showed a very strong level in the "China New Rap" professional competition. Not only did he change the flow pattern, but he also had a very strong impact on the melody. In terms of attainments, Wang Yitai can be said to be an extremely rare person who can both sing and express style, so under normal circumstances, there should not be such big doubts.

And to be honest, in terms of rap skills, Wang Yitai has surpassed Hot Dog. So why can Hot Dog win consecutive championships in "Singer-Songwriter" while singing and rapping, while Wang Yitai failed miserably? I think there are two main reasons.

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1. Differences in personal style

Hot dogs always follow ancient principles. Each song can awaken the listener's dusty memories. It is no exaggeration to say that Hot Dog sings the most classic golden age rap, which is irresistible to every listener who knows how to rap. Coupled with Hot Dog's ability to control the stage, he is unmatched in the entire rap circle, so he will naturally win the favor of the jury.

On the other hand, Wang Yitai seems to be fresher, and his singing skills will be more radical and intense. Such a song would appear very exciting in the player, but Wang Yitai's stage experience is obviously insufficient and he is unable to sing the most powerful song. The sides are revealed.


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2. Differences in song styles

I think this should be the most important reason why Wang Yitai was sent to the lower district. As the judges said, pronunciation is very important as a singer because most rap songs convey emotion through words. This can be seen from a rap song. It can be seen from hundreds of words of lyrics that if the audience cannot understand what you are talking about, no matter how connotative the song is, it will not be able to accurately convey the heart of the audience. In addition, Wang Yitai also raps in dialect. , further increasing the audience’s aesthetic difficulty. I can understand Wang Yitai's desire to show off his skills, but if he can't control it perfectly, he will only lose points instead of adding points.

Hot dogs do this very well. He keeps his speaking speed as low as possible in every song. He does not pursue too many dazzling skills and returns to his nature. He touches the audience with his emotions and songs. Although it seems too slow. Wang Yitai wants to be simple and crude, but in fact, for ordinary listeners, such rap songs are more touching.

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The above is my summary as a person who has been involved in hip-hop music for many years. It can be said that Wang Yitai actually lost unfairly. If he is not aware of these problems, it will be very difficult to win the next game. However, we cannot question Wang Yitai's rap skills because of this. Although there are constant controversies, from a professional perspective, Wang Yitai is definitely a leader in the Chinese rap circle. I hope everyone can listen to more of his other works and appreciate Wang Yitai with a more objective attitude. Let us wait and see his next performance!

标签: #Ether #Rap #Audience #Judges #Reasons

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