Sheknows丨Under The Epidemic, The Transformation And Accelerated Development Of The Blockchain Industrial Park

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2020 is a critical year for the development of China’s blockchain industry. As a carrier for the development of blockchain industry clusters, blockchain industrial parks are of great significance in promoting the scale and agglomeration development of local blockchain enterprises. Challenges and opportunities coexist. How does the blockchain industrial park break through?

On April 10, Babbitt invited the person in charge of the government-led first-line blockchain industrial park to be a guest in "" and talked about "the transformation and accelerated development of blockchain industrial parks under the epidemic."

Zhang Xin CEO of "Blockchain+" Financial Technology Industry Incubation Center in Guangdong Financial High-tech Zone

Shen Qiangjie, head of investment promotion and operations of Changsha Blockchain Industrial Park

Xie Wei Executive Deputy Director of Loudi Blockchain Industry Development Leading Group Office

Fan Fangyi, Chairman of Ganzhou Blockchain Financial Industry Sandbox Park

Shi Weijie, deputy secretary-general of Shanghai Blockchain Technology Association

The following are the highlights of the three-hour live broadcast compiled by Babbitt.

Question 1: What impact will the COVID-19 epidemic have on the blockchain industrial park?

Shen Qiangjie:

The impact mainly has two aspects.

The negative impact is similar to other industries. Affected by the new coronavirus epidemic, the collapse of a certain link in the industrial chain may trigger the paralysis of the entire industrial chain.

On the other hand, due to objective phenomena such as the freeze on population mobility, postponement of the opening of primary and secondary schools, and work from home, the development of the park has also ushered in new demands and opportunities, and the market for enterprises in the park has continued to expand.

For example, online and offline linkage, Internet medical care, and nucleic acid testing and screening have become important means of epidemic prevention and control.

For example, user demand for fresh food e-commerce and community e-commerce has surged, prompting the upgrade of operational services.

For example, remote working ensures the normal operation of enterprises, and the software service industry welcomes development opportunities.

Xie Wei:

This is similar to other industries. The difference lies in the content of the work. In the process of local data docking and product scene docking, we have a certain lag effect; the biggest impact is reflected in the fact that the business of the park enterprises has reached the expansion stage, while the business in other places has already reached the expansion stage. Business expansion is restricted.


Affected by the epidemic, corporate order delivery or construction progress has been delayed. Some have laid off employees and cut wages, and some have simply gone out of business. This makes us very sorry. Some weaker enterprises have relatively weak viability. Our campus is considering what we can do to support these businesses during this time.

1) In response to the support policy during the epidemic, enterprises will be granted a 2-month rent reduction or exemption;

2) Move all offline activity training online, propose to the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to help companies set up online training, and assist companies in applying for some subsidies;

3) Online guidance and help companies apply for special funds for scientific and technological innovation;

4) Assist small and medium-sized enterprises to apply for resumption loans or interest subsidies and cost subsidies;

5) Speed ​​up the identification process of enterprise rent subsidies and provide subsidies for enterprises to maintain their livelihood as soon as possible;

6) Guide enterprises to develop anti-epidemic prevention and control application products such as community access, cloud pharmacy platforms, and pocket codes.

Fan Fangyi:

The epidemic has caused certain delays in resumption of work and investment promotion, but since we are all online companies, the overall impact on the park is not great. During the epidemic, we jointly held a blockchain online class with 8 blockchain experts for cloud training. Enterprises in the park use blockchain technology to carry out the Gannan navel orange traceability project. Good results. During the epidemic, fake masks appeared on the market. We use technology to put some masks in Ganzhou Economic Development Zone on the chain for free, so that each mask has a digital identity.

Question 2: Blockchain is still in the early investment stage and the revenue scale is small. The pace of construction of blockchain industrial parks in various places is very fast. Is there any contradiction between the two?

Fan Fangyi:

This is certainly not a contradiction. The government is now vigorously introducing policies to support blockchain, which has a certain relationship with the nationwide emphasis on blockchain since General Secretary Xi’s speech in 2019. We also hope to use blockchain technology to combine local characteristic industries and introduce some resources, so as to use blockchain to drive local characteristic economy and promote industrial upgrading.

It is a fact that taxes in blockchain industrial parks are low. The development of any new thing requires a process, but I think the revenue and development of blockchain companies will definitely get better and better in the future.


As an emerging industry, blockchain is still in the early stages of industry development. Even if the local government has introduced many policies and invested a lot of effort in support, the early returns will definitely not meet expectations. Before establishing the blockchain base, we vaccinated the government: instead of taxing, we have to give them a sufficiently relaxed environment.

Without the support of upper-level resources, these companies would not be able to survive for half a year. Once the government provides strong support and creates a good business environment, it is safe to say that they will quickly grow into the unicorns that local governments need in just a few years. Moreover, they have feelings and loyalty to the local government and can grow out of the local government in a few years. Even if you want to dig it out, you can't.

Zhang Xin

More than 40 provinces and cities across the country have introduced support policies for blockchain-related industries. It is not ruled out that some places may follow the trend, but to a greater extent, everyone has seen the long-term investability and long-term development of the blockchain industry. Chance.

We encourage more real economies and traditional industries to integrate with new generation information technologies, including blockchain technology. We hope everyone can explore in this direction.

Judging from the actual effect, it may not meet the public's expectations, but from the perspective of park operation, I am still quite satisfied. From January to April this year, we have settled in more than 20 companies, which shows that policy guidance and demonstration have received positive feedback from the market.

Shen Qiangjie

I think doing blockchain requires industrial thinking.

We build blockchain and industrial parks not just for production value. If we develop blockchain and build blockchain industrial parks based on GDP thinking, most industrial parks will not be built.

Blockchain is more about the transformation from the information Internet to the value Internet. This is the future development trend and this is the consensus of the industry. Then, GDP thinking will only become a limitation.

Against this background, we still see the emergence of a number of companies with strong development momentum. In 2019, a company in our park achieved a profit of 30 million yuan and raised 60 million yuan in funds, which is very gratifying.

On the other hand, companies in other areas of the park are also actively exploring and seeking to transform to blockchain. They are trying to expand the implementation scenarios of blockchain in agriculture, finance, energy and other fields.

Xie Wei

First, we need a deeper understanding of blockchain technology and industry. If we realize that blockchain is the foundation of the next generation of the Internet, we won’t be too worried about early investments in this area.

Secondly, the central government attaches great importance to blockchain. Understand the blockchain from the perspective of improving the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, and position and develop the blockchain industry from a national strategic perspective. Therefore, short-term GDP should not be considered.

Cultivating industrial development requires a longer-term positioning and more targeted policy measures. Of course, this does not mean that blockchain companies are completely devoid of short-term benefits. We have a company that has paid a total of 30 million yuan in local taxes in the past two years.

Question 3, what are your requirements for the blockchain companies that settle in?

Fan Fangyi:

First of all, for compliance and legal development, our compliance requirements will be more stringent.

Secondly, it is related to the research and development, application and testing of blockchain technology.

Finally, we welcome the integration with the upstream and downstream of the blockchain, and our attitude is very open.


Our original intention in establishing the park is simple: to promote the application of blockchain technology.

We have only one condition, which is to comply with national policies. Whether you are developing underlying technology or making applications, you must be a currencyless blockchain. Coins cannot be issued now and will not be issued in the future.

Shen Qiangjie

We basically don’t set any thresholds. Of course, those who violate laws and regulations are not allowed, but we cannot give up eating because we are choking. We will conduct pre-review, in-process supervision, and post-event tracking of the settled companies. We provide services covering the entire chain and the entire ecological chain. As a park, we offer more guidance. If abnormal behavior occurs, we need to correct it promptly.

Xie Wei

We in Loudi have a characteristic. From the beginning, we have clearly proposed the "exchange industry with application scenarios" model. We are the only city in the country that carries out industrial investment promotion with projects and application scenarios. Well, we have clear goals for the companies we bring in. We’re not trying to introduce the company first and then look for scenarios.

Of course, this requires us to have good scenario planning capabilities and business model construction capabilities, and be able to convince technology research and development companies to accept our proposed scenarios and business models, so as to reach a consensus on goals before settling in. After the company settles in, we will help the company coordinate product implementation and quickly iterate, forming a closed-loop business model, so as to achieve rapid replication.

Question 4: Are local government departments willing to open business scenarios for blockchain companies and open trading markets for industries?


Promoting the application of blockchain technology does not mean that it can be implemented with policies. This is unrealistic.

The government regards blockchain as a core technology, but how to promote it? how to use? Judging from the current situation in Shanghai, it is still in the learning and exploration stage. So far, there has not been a solid typical case that has attracted the attention of the government. The government will not try and promote it at all costs, so it will try and conduct pilot projects on a small scale.

Experts from our Blockchain Technology Association think tank believe that it is necessary to design a top-level mechanism to confirm data rights and set up favorable conditions so that the government can see the benefits of blockchain technology applications and promote the opening up of various industry scenarios from top to bottom. , give a typical case. Judging from the current situation, it is more feasible to provide coverage through point-to-point coverage.

Shen Qiangjie

The idea of ​​exchanging markets for industries is not accurate. Blockchain is not a business or a replacement. This is a trend, and what we want to develop is the blockchain industry. We must actively embrace, actively try and take active actions from the government and industrial park levels. Ultimately, it's a win-win, win-win situation. Our park has built the SMIC Blockchain (Changsha) public service platform, which has become an important starting point for the transformation and upgrading of service companies. Including Wanqi on-chain project construction, blockchain talent training and talent on-chain projects, safe and reliable technology localization projects (blockchain) and other specific projects.

Question 5: Will there be an imbalance in investment promotion between coastal and inland areas? Why?

Fan Fangyi:

There is such a situation.

First of all, mainly in terms of scenario applications, the ecological scenarios in coastal areas are relatively complete, and the government's willingness to open scenarios is also relatively high.

Secondly, in terms of talents, the overall scientific research strength of coastal cities is relatively strong, while the overall scientific research strength of inland cities is relatively weak.

Third, the biggest problem is ideological concepts. To develop blockchain in the Mainland, we must emancipate our minds and change our concepts. Mainland China is still relatively conservative and does not know enough about blockchain to implement it.

Frankly speaking, there are actually advantages to developing blockchain in Ganzhou. This is a new thing. Once we have the confidence to take the plunge and do it well, we can then roll out the application across the country. Then our old revolutionary areas will use new technologies in the new era. Contribute to the country.

Xie Wei

This is not a simple relationship between coastal areas and inland areas, but the difference between talent-gathering areas and talent-underdeveloped areas. Neither Beijing nor Chengdu are coastal areas, but Beijing is the city with the most blockchain talents and companies, and Chengdu is also developing well.

We are a region with relatively backward talents. We must solve the talent dilemma. Why do we propose the industrial development logic of exchanging scenarios for projects? Here’s why.

We used the scenarios we planned to successfully attract Hangzhou Qulian to establish a joint venture in Loudi; we also attracted NTT DATA, a Fortune 500 company, to come to Loudi to jointly develop new application projects. This is a key tool. Only if it is more in-depth, more targeted and more attractive than other scenes, they will bypass the more developed areas and go to the less developed areas.

We understand blockchain better than blockchain technology companies. I’m not talking about technology, but blockchain thinking.

Shen Qiangjie

My biggest personal feeling about investment recruitment is that it is not about recruiting people, but about the needs of both parties. Using this idea to attract investment will make communication smoother and easier.

Today, there are dozens of blockchain industrial parks across the country, with serious homogeneity. I think everyone has to explore their own unique development path.

Indeed, you said, why do Fortune 500 companies come to our park? What can I bring to it? There is always one aspect of what you do that is different from what others do, whether it is a little better or better than others. Then, businesses will be attracted.

We rarely talk about attracting investment, I would rather talk about cooperation.

Question 6: Relevant reports show that the vast majority of blockchain industrial parks have a single profit model, with the main sources including government subsidies (the majority), rent, property management and equity investment, etc. Is this the same in your park?

Zhang Xin

You have mentioned the basic business model, we do not have more innovative business models.

We are also developing private equity investment funds, and we are also developing blockchain industrial parks. We are optimistic about the development of the blockchain industry and its implementation in application scenarios. The park is a very important carrier and platform. We hope to build such a win-win ecosystem where we can generate profits in the process.

Neither the company nor the government has any assessment or requirements for us in this area (profit). Doing this well is more important than making money.


When we were building the blockchain industrial park in the early days, we had a feeling that it would be great if the blockchain industrial park could maintain stable performance. We didn't expect to make money from this. Why do we build industrial parks? It is to create a win-win ecological zone and promote industrial development. I very much agree with Mr. Zhang's point of view.

Fan Fangyi:

I think blockchain parks don’t just rely on the government. We also have project services, such as training services, on-chain services, traceability services, etc. Blockchain is not unique to all industries. Blockchain+ options are diverse and there are many points (referring to benefits).

Shen Qiangjie

Our purpose of building a blockchain industrial park is not to do business, but to develop this industry. We hope to guide the park’s blockchain enterprises to move forward, and at the same time drive the transformation and upgrading of existing industries and enterprises in other fields in the park. This in turn drives economic development throughout our region.

Question 7: What are the new trends in blockchain development in the future?


After the epidemic, the survival situation of enterprises can be described as bleak, but blockchain companies are slightly better than offline physical industries. Instead, it gave rise to cloud working, which made businesses realize that physical office space may not be the most important thing to them.

The epidemic is an opportunity for all of us working in industrial parks to calm down and think about how industrial parks develop and how they change with current events. We should adapt to the current situation, weaken the physical space, strengthen service content, and jointly implement industrial applications. This will be the development trend of blockchain industrial parks in the future.

Fan Fangyi:

The industrial park is not only a physical carrier, but also a digital industrial park. Blockchain itself is also a rule. I think this has accelerated the progress of blockchain technology in building digital industrial parks. Blockchain will be used in various aspects such as construction and operation.

Question 8: “New infrastructure” has been very popular recently. Can the blockchain industrial park get a share of the pie? Riding the "new infrastructure" express train, can the blockchain industrial park achieve breakthrough development?

Zhang Xin

Blockchain, like cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data, is an indispensable technical element in the new generation of information technology. New infrastructure will inevitably drive the development of blockchain.

The future blockchain park will definitely be a distributed park. So can our campus be distributed, with everyone sharing data, information, and even project sharing and promotion, so that blockchain can be implemented in scenarios in different places? We feel that this should also be an opportunity brought to us by the new infrastructure.

Shen Qiangjie

New infrastructure is hot, but don’t rush in because it will make smooth roads become congested.

But why did we start working on blockchain in the first place? Because we judge that it will become the trend and direction of development. New infrastructure is another trend advocated by the country, and we certainly cannot miss it.

This is why we want to build various blockchain industrial parks and develop the blockchain industry. We cannot miss the trend of new infrastructure, which is affirmed and advocated by the country.

I think we should position and expand based more on the existing advantages and characteristics of the local area and the park, and take a differentiated development path.


New infrastructure lies in new fields and new concepts. 5G, Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, after more than a year of accumulation, have new connotations, including new transportation, smart cities, new energy infrastructure, etc., which will expand the application of our blockchain technology. Landing scene.

The blockchain industrial park will be built as a characteristic industrial park for 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, etc. The government will guide and promote the technological integration between them and realize blockchain technology as a new element of human society. New infrastructure benefits all walks of life. Empowerment of industry entities.

The new infrastructure will bring all-round upgrades of scenarios, models, and organizations to our park industry. For our blockchain industrial park, this is a very good breakthrough opportunity.

Xie Wei

New infrastructure is a major historical opportunity for the development of the blockchain industry. In fact, before this, there were very few special blockchain funding projects actually issued by national ministries and commissions. New infrastructure is an opportunity.

To take advantage of this opportunity, we must do three things.

The first is to do a good job in planning major projects.

The second is to seize the opportunities of new infrastructure, apply for projects, and secure funds.

The third is to promote cross-regional and cross-industry application promotion through industrial park alliances.

标签: #Block #Industry #Application #Park #Infrastructure

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