Various Government Departments In Our Country Are Gradually Paying Attention To Blockchain Technology And Have Successively Introduced Blockchain-related Policies.

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1. my country’s blockchain industry is very likely to achieve overtaking in corners just like the Internet and mobile payment fields.

At present, the entire industry has several main characteristics: concentrated geographical distribution, small number of companies but rapid growth, relatively active investment and financing, wide distribution in fields, and good patent growth. Compared with the industrial development in other parts of the world, my country's blockchain industry started late and has a weaker foundation than Europe and the United States. However, judging from the development momentum and potential, my country's blockchain industry is very likely to achieve overtaking in corners like the Internet and mobile payment fields.

Geographical distribution: mainly concentrated in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou

According to industrial and commercial registration information, there are about 360 blockchain (including digital currency) related companies in my country, of which Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou account for the majority. Among them, there are about 148 companies in Beijing, about 78 companies in Shanghai, and about 60 companies in Shanghai. There are 34 in Guangdong and Shenzhen, and 34 in Zhejiang. There are about 40 in other parts of the country, with Beijing accounting for the largest proportion, followed by Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hangzhou. From the perspective of development history, Shanghai has the most first-mover advantage. At present, many well-known blockchain projects such as NEO and Quantum Chain have appeared in Shanghai. There are many blockchain companies in Beijing, and the industry atmosphere and exchanges are active. Hangzhou has the best blockchain policy conditions. The Zhejiang Provincial Government has included blockchain development in the government work report, strengthening its determination to do so. Building Hangzhou into the first blockchain city provides a good entrepreneurial space for blockchain start-ups. Currently, Hangzhou has about 60 blockchain start-ups, including the earliest blockchain media Babbitt, the well-known underlying chain Qulian, and the data exchange Gongxinbao based on blockchain technology. Although the number is not as large as that of Beijing and Shanghai, the coverage is wider and the quality is higher.

Industry distribution: Financial and corporate services account for the vast majority

At present, the industry distribution of blockchain start-ups in my country is relatively concentrated, mainly in the financial and corporate services fields, accounting for more than 80%. The financial field mainly includes digital currency-related transaction services, cross-border payments, supply chain finance, etc., among which supply chain finance is a relatively developed field. Enterprise services mainly focus on the construction of underlying blockchain and infrastructure, providing data on-chain services for Internet and traditional enterprises, including traceability systems, BAAS (Block chain as a) platforms, electronic voucher storage clouds, etc. From the perspective of the entire industry distribution, the development of my country's blockchain industry is still in the early exploratory stage, covering limited industries and fields. However, there are also some projects that use the characteristics of blockchain technology to implement new business models, such as on-chain data transaction services and other emerging areas. Judging from the current development situation, the financial field, especially supply chain finance, will be realized through the blockchain industry. Key breakthrough areas.

Financing layout: expansion of scale and acceleration of growth

Since 2015, the amount of financing for blockchain companies has grown rapidly. Financing for the whole year of 2017 more than doubled that of 2016, and financing in the first quarter of 2018 was nearly half of that for the whole of 2017. At the same time, quasi-unicorn companies began to emerge, such as Bubi. The Series A financing of underlying blockchain companies such as , Yuan and others has exceeded 100 million yuan each time. Blockchain enterprise investment and financing has entered a stage of rapid development. Among them, the blockchain companies with the largest financing amount come from the field of supply chain finance. Since 2016, blockchain financing has grown faster than P2P finance and mobile payment technology.

Patent situation: No. 1 in the world in terms of growth rate and quantity, with the largest central bank reserves

After 2015, the growth rate of my country’s blockchain-related patents exceeded 200%, becoming the field with the fastest growing number of patents in my country. In terms of growth rate, my country’s blockchain patents lead the world. In terms of quantity, China also leads the United States and ranks first in the world. Among the top 100 companies, China accounts for 49%, followed by the United States, accounting for 33%. Among them, Alibaba ranked first and the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China ranked third. However, among the top 100 blockchain patent holders in the world, the total number of central bank enterprises ranks first.

Among the financing of blockchain start-ups from 2013 to 2018, seed rounds accounted for more than 50%, followed by Series A, accounting for about 25%. Judging from the financing rounds, there are still no potential giants and unicorns in the industry. At present, the highest single financing amount is Yuan's 150 million yuan, followed by Bubi and Babbitt's 2018 A round of 100 million yuan. Yuan and Bubi are in the field of underlying supply chain financial blockchain solutions, while Bubi is in the field of self-media and underlying public chains. Currently, most application layer project financing amounts are in the tens of millions. Among them, digital wallets have the highest overall financing amount at the application level. The maximum amount of the Kcash digital wallet’s Series A round is around 30 million yuan. This is also due to the surge in virtual digital currencies in 2017.

2. Various government departments in my country are gradually paying attention to blockchain technology and have successively introduced blockchain-related policies.

Data from the "2019-2024 China Blockchain Technology Industry Market Research and Development Prospects Forecast Report" released by the China Industrial Information Research Network shows that in the first half of 2019, various government departments in my country gradually paid attention to blockchain technology and successively introduced regional Blockchain technology. Chain related policies. With the continuous promotion of policies, my country's blockchain innovation strength has gradually emerged, industry applications have continued to deepen, and typical cases have accelerated. In the second half of 2019, my country's blockchain will show trends such as the gradual emergence of the advantages of the BaaS platform and the continuous improvement of core technology innovation.

1 Policy drivers continue to upgrade, and regulatory effectiveness gradually increases

First of all, the country and various departments are gradually paying attention to blockchain technology and have successively introduced blockchain-related policies. In the first half of 2019, the state and various departments issued 9 blockchain policies, almost close to the total number of policies in 2018. The policy mainly focuses on promoting the integration of blockchain with big data and artificial intelligence technology and the application of blockchain industry.

Second, local governments have actively introduced supporting measures to promote technology and application development. In the first half of 2019, Hebei, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian and other places launched new blockchain-related policies, leading the country. Judging from the policies introduced, the depth and breadth of coverage have gradually increased, highlighting the important role of blockchain in the digital economy.

The third is to actively explore the construction of a blockchain supervision system. Regulatory policies such as enterprise and product registration and segmented application for supervision are gradually improved and implemented.

2 Core technologies continue to make breakthroughs, and innovation strength gradually emerges

First, blockchain technology research has received attention, and research teams have continued to increase. The main bodies of blockchain research institutions in my country are mainly universities and enterprises, and the number is gradually increasing. Research institutions are concentrated in Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guiyang and other regions.

Secondly, domestic enterprises and research teams have achieved important results in blockchain technology. my country's alliance chain and public chain systems are constantly improving, and enterprise core technologies are constantly emerging.

Third, China leads the world in the number of blockchain patent applications. China leads in the number of blockchain patents, accounting for 70% of the number of blockchain patents in major countries around the world. In the first half of 2019, the number of published blockchain patents in my country was 3,547, far exceeding the total number of published patents in 2018 and before.

In the first half of 2019, the number of blockchain patent applications was 1,048, a significant decrease. In the first half of 2019, the number of blockchains in Guangdong increased more than that of Beijing, becoming the province with the largest number of patents in the country. Patents mainly come from Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The number of patents in various provinces and cities is distributed in a ladder-like manner, with Guangdong and Beijing leading the way, followed by Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other provinces.

Fourth, the performance of the underlying architecture of the blockchain is gradually optimized. Since the advent of Bitcoin in 2009, the underlying technology of blockchain has continued to develop, my country's alliance chain and public chain systems have continued to improve, and a series of core technologies have continued to emerge. Last year, Chinese companies innovated in cross-chain, side-chain, multi-chain, sharding technology, directed acyclic graph, privacy protection and other technologies. This year, with the increase in R&D investment from all parties and the in-depth development of R&D work, domestic research teams have made innovations and breakthroughs in aspects such as platform underlying architecture, chain structure, and data structure, further promoting the gradual maturity of blockchain technology. Blockchain technology.

3. The growth rate of the number of industries has slowed down, and industry competition has gradually escalated.

First, the growth rate of blockchain companies slowed down in the first half of the year. Following the explosive growth of blockchain companies in 2018, there were only 16 registered blockchain companies in the first half of 2019.

Secondly, Beijing companies are leading the development of blockchain, and second- and third-tier cities are gradually making efforts. In 2019, the number of blockchain companies in Beijing ranked first in the country. The scope of enterprise coverage continues to expand, and blockchain enterprises are gradually established in second- and third-tier cities such as Jinhua and Dongguan.

Third, the number of corporate patents has increased significantly, and patent competition among giant companies has become increasingly fierce. Internet giants led by Alibaba are competing to apply for patents, and competition is extremely fierce.

4Industrial applications continue to deepen, and typical cases emerge at an accelerated pace

First, blockchain is accelerating its penetration into digital economic scenarios. For example, a number of pilot projects have been launched in the fields of government services, cross-border payments, digital content copyright, and judicial evidence storage.

Secondly, blockchain is widely used in multi-party collaboration and anti-counterfeiting traceability scenarios in traditional industries. Blockchain solutions are emerging in many fields such as transportation, medical care, charity, food and drug traceability, etc. Cross-enterprise and cross-regional blockchain applications will continue to emerge in various fields.

According to statistics, the market size of my country's blockchain technology industry was 1.498 billion yuan in 2016, which increased to 3.591 billion yuan in 2018, a year-on-year increase of 54.52%. The market size of my country’s blockchain technology industry from January to June 2016-2019 is as follows:

Figure: Market size of my country’s blockchain technology industry from 2016 to the first half of 2019

标签: #Block #Patent #Bottom #Application #Financing

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