The Deformation Of Real Estate Market Financing And "misappropriation Of Consumer Loans" May Become The Next Stop For Investigation

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The gray passage that is difficult to cut through

After P2P and the down payment loan business of intermediary companies were investigated and punished, consumer loans jointly led by guarantee companies and commercial banks took over the banner of property market financing.

In fact, the problem of consumer loan misappropriation has emerged several years ago. In December 2013, the China Banking Regulatory Commission issued the "Notice on Risk Warning in the Field of Personal Consumption Loans", which clearly stipulated that consumer credit loans cannot be used for home purchases, and sales invoices should be used as proof of the authenticity of the trade background for loan purposes.

However, the problem of using consumer loans to make up for the down payment is always difficult to eliminate. On the one hand, compared with the interest rates of housing agency companies, P2P, and small loan companies, commercial banks have the lowest loan interest rates and are the first choice for home buyers who need financing.

Yan Bokai, an analyst at, told a Beijing Business Daily reporter that banks are the channel with the lowest financing costs, and personal consumption loans are the easiest product to apply for among various types of loans, prompting some people to use various means to defraud banks. If the real estate market is hot, go to the real estate market; if the real estate market is hot, go to the real estate market. If the stock market is hot, go to the stock market.

The lack of follow-up checks on loans by banks is a contributor to widespread misappropriation of consumer loans. "Banks have post-loan inspections, but for consumer loans, because the borrower is an individual, banks generally do not have many resources to complete one-by-one reviews, so they usually adopt spot checks. In addition, banks also charge fees for individuals in the credit reporting system With credit records, it is difficult to fully understand an individual's borrowing status from other institutions other than banks, so there is nothing we can do about the post-loan management of consumer credit. Yan Bokai further said.

"Consumer loan misappropriation" may become the next stop of the investigation

Market demand and banks' insufficient post-loan inspection capabilities appear to explain why consumer loan misappropriation remains prohibited. But from a deeper perspective, the radicalization of interests and bank lending can even turn a blind eye. This is a disaster.

A reporter from Beijing Business Daily found that in 2014, the Beijing Banking Regulatory Bureau issued the "Notice on Risk Warning in the Field of Personal Comprehensive Consumption Loans", requiring banks within Beijing's jurisdiction to strictly review the purpose, amount and term of personal consumption. The loans are meant to prevent money from flowing into the stock market. , housing market, etc., the amount of personal consumption loans issued shall not exceed 1 million yuan, and the term shall not exceed 10 years.

However, during the investigation, both Wang Ming and Li Qiang said that consumer mortgage loans can easily exceed 1 million yuan. Wang Ming said easily: "For example, if you own a property worth 6 million to 7 million yuan, we can help you apply for a consumer loan of up to 5 million yuan from the bank." Previously, some people in the banking industry privately said that if Some clients purchase larger homes with higher appraisal amounts and can obtain slightly higher consumer loans.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of E-House Research Institute, said that bank performance has been under tremendous pressure in recent years. In order to compete for customers, some commercial banks are too aggressive in credit business and ignore risks. Using consumer loans to finance a down payment adds another layer of leverage to the mortgage on the home itself, putting greater monthly repayment pressure on homebuyers. Once house prices fall or borrowers are unable to afford them, banks will bear the double losses of consumer loans + mortgage loans. Yan Yuejin said, "Financing inspections in the property market must be treated equally. In addition to housing agency and P2P down payment loan businesses, credit reviews from commercial banks will also be carried out in the future."

Zhu Jin, chief real estate analyst at Orient Securities, pointed out that new housing consumer loans and home purchase-related renovation loans on the market do not exclude the use of borrowed funds for home purchases. This also means that it is difficult to implement "one-size-fits-all" control from the regulatory level, and it even needs to go through the bank for final review. "For example, we can review the qualifications of home buyers through credit reporting channels, extend the review period, check changes in bank traffic, and set up a 'white list' for control."

标签: #Consumption #Loan #Bank #House purchase #Property market

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