We Have Sorted Out 22 Long-term And Stable Funds, All Of Which Have Annualized Returns Of More Than 20% In The Past Five Years.

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The nearly two-week "Looking for Marathon Runners" series has come to an end. Commander does not pay attention to the cumulative return index in the past five years, but looks at the top 1/4 or top 1/2 of similar rankings in the past five years. From this perspective, we hope to exclude situations where performance is particularly good a few years later. To paraphrase a common saying: We don’t seek first, second, or third place, but we seek stability year after year.

A total of 5 articles have been written in this series, introducing 46 funds. According to the Haitong Securities fund rating classification, it includes open-end stock funds, strong stock hybrid funds, partial stock hybrid funds, flexible hybrid funds and balanced hybrid funds. There are only two trading days left in 2020. The commander divided it into two parts and "selected the best among 46 funds" into two fund portfolios for your reference. Today is the first part of the final chapter. Let’s do some basic data sorting first.

The data screening conditions are as follows: 1. Select products that are managed separately by the fund manager to avoid confusion; 2. The current fund manager has managed the product for five years (or close to five years); 3. From 2016 to 2020 to the present, there are 5 annual funds The returns outperformed the Wind all-A index. The reason why we did not choose the CSI 300 is to avoid fund style issues;

After screening according to the above three conditions, a total of 22 animals met the criteria. According to the average annualized rate of return (non-cumulative rate of return, if there are multiple categories, select Category A), there are 9 active stocks, including E Fund consumer industry stocks, Cinda Australia Bank new energy industry stocks, Jianxinda Securities Strategy Essence Stock selection, Wells Fargo Sports and Health Stock A, HSBC Jinxin Consumer Dividend Stock, ICBC New Stock, Southern Tianyuan New Industry Stock, Wuyan Selected Stock, Penghua Advanced Manufacturing Stock;

There are 5 types of partial stock hybrid types, in order: Invesco Great Wall Dingyi Mix, E Fund Small and Medium Cap Mix, Great Wall Small and Medium Cap Growth Mix, Xingquan Herun Graded Mix, and ICBC Consumer Services Mix; there are 5 types of partial inventory mixed types, in order arrangement. They are Castrol Hybrid, Fuguo Tianruiqiang Hybrid, Cathay Juxin Value Advantage Hybrid A, Wanjia Harmony Growth Hybrid, and Huabao Bokang Configuration Hybrid; there are three flexible hybrids, followed by Qianhai Kaiyuan National Comparative advantage hybrid type, Anxin advantage growth hybrid type A, and Wanjia quality life hybrid type.

Since both portfolios selected this time are primarily equity-focused, they are not intended to be balanced hybrid funds with a balanced allocation of stocks and bonds. In addition, investment portfolio products obviously cannot be selected purely based on annualized return. At the same time, we must also consider the maximum drawdown of the product in the past five years, as well as the investment style of the fund manager's preferred track. In the next article (should be tomorrow), the commander will continue to improve these two data and give the final conclusion.

Finally, let’s talk about the performance on the penultimate trading day at the end of the year. Almost all major A-share sectors rose. Photovoltaic and new energy vehicles took off again after a short break. Is there still a chance next year? Let’s talk about it next year. As of the Commander's announcement, the GEM Index has soared by more than 3%, reaching 2,900 points, a new high in the past five years. The commander couldn’t help but remember that when the GEM suffered a major correction (falling below 2,000 points) in March this year, he said (in the March 31 article) that he could take the opportunity to get on board. At that time, in addition to introducing the characteristics of GEM Index Funds, the characteristics of GEM Blue Chip ETF, GEM Growth ETF, GEM 50 ETF, GEM Select 88, GEM Composite and other indexes (or products) were also introduced. No matter which one you grab and hold on to today, I believe the profits will be very considerable.

Well, if you missed it, let it go. Don't be too entangled and regretful. What matters is how to seize future investment opportunities.

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Don’t be afraid that life will be tiring, just be afraid that your accumulation is not enough!

I've said it all, organizing data is not easy. Please remember to like and support. Fund investment requires caution, and the content and opinions are for reference only. If you have any questions, I'll leave the microphone to you, cheers~~

标签: #Hybrids #Funds #Commanders #Stocks #Five Years

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